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Brand Monitoring
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Sentiment Analysis
Scrape Quora to gauge public sentiment and unfiltered opinions related to your brand or product and strategize what could be done for better user/customer experience.
Competitor Analysis
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Quora Sample Data
Sample Data
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Michael Backes",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Michael-Backes",
"Credential": "Author of Cannabis Pharmacy",
"Views": "71.6k",
"UpVotes": 160,
"AnswerText": "This is a fascinating question, since the actual answer likely goes far beyond typical categorization.\n\nHistorically, humans have smoked cannabis for its psychoactive properties and also smoked it as a medicament. Interestingly, cannabis smoking is relatively recent, since nearly all cannabis consumption before the 15th Century was oral rather than smoked. But \"why\" is it smoked or consumed? That's still not completely understood by science.\n\nThe chemical constituents of cannabis actually produce much more complex effects that can be described by common terms such as \"stoned\" and \"high\". Cannabis produces a range of effects that vary considerably depending on the cannabinoid/terpenoid chemistry of the cannabis variety and its dosage and administration route. The \"set and setting\" in which the cannabis is consumed also will have a considerable effect on the psychopharmacological outcome. Cannabis is host to a rich chemical ecology that interacts with dozens of receptors/systems within the human body. While not particularly toxic, cannabis must be used with respect and caution, especially since recent evidence seems to indicate that a small percentage of susceptible adolescents and adults may be harmed by high-THC cannabis exposure, though more recent brain imaging studies indicate that THC harms can be avoided by concurrent CBD consumption.\n\nSo \"why\" do people smoke it? Because cannabis modifies how the brain perceives, retrieves, organizes and stores sensory information, whether that information is a jazz melody, an association stored in memory, or a pain signal from a pinched nerve. The novelty and functionality of this modification in how the brain works is often considered of value to the cannabis user. Cannabis also contains substances that mimic those naturally produced in the human body and responsible for the regulation of appetite, pain threshold, memory and metabolism.\n\nCannabis is a remarkable plant and worthy of study as a medicine and more. There is not a lot of literature that addresses this \"why\" as it pertains to cannabis. One book I can recommend is by Dr. Sebastian Marincolo entitled, \"High: insights on marijuana\", which examines the use of cannabis through the lenses of evolutionary psychology, neuropsychology and the cognitive sciences.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Ash Gopikuttan",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Ash-Gopikuttan",
"Credential": "13 years of smoking, and 7 years of drug research on self",
"Views": "1.9k",
"UpVotes": 12,
"AnswerText": "Firstly people with medical condition who are prescribed weed in legal states and countries don't smoke it in a OCB or Rizzla or chillum or Bong, they do the pure shit - Vaporizer or edibles. Going on to the topic\n\nLot of reasons why people smoke weed:\n\nFirst reason as already said medication for a lot of conditions. Pain relief to Post-cancer surgery disorders.\n\nSome people smoke it to chill it - recreational purposes it gives you laughs, takes off the daily stress and gets you on with the munchies\n\nSome people smoke it to work it - I am solely talking about sativa or hybrid with 50% + sativa in it - the one that tends to give you Mind-high. People use it to get more ideas, think about endless solutions and possibly solve problems.\n\nSome people smoke it to get it up: People who have issues with getting their din-dong up while having sex with their partners, well this helps I guess.\n\nSome people smoke it for intense pleasure: Again sex related, a joint does make your sexual activity more pleasurable and makes you last longer than usual\n\nSome people smoke it to top the drugs they are on: People who do LSD or Magic mushrooms tend to smoke pot alongside to intensify their visuals.\n\nSome people smoke it because they are addicted: Even though weed is the least addictive drug on the chart some people need to keep smoking it.\n\nSome people smoke it after their break-ups - LOL\n\nSome people smoke it after their marriage - Wife issues, what can the poor husband do smoke a joint and laugh about his marriage. Vice versa too, wife smokes and laughs over her husbands anger issues. LOL\n\nSome people smoke it for their religion: Rastafarian's, Hindu's certain castes only.\n\nThere are a lot of reasons for why people smoke weed. \n\nSo go smoke a joint and stop finding reasons why others smoke. Find your own reason thats when you learn that this plant was put on earth to be smoked for no reason and for a 1000 many reasons.\n\nAm soo stoned, love my wake and bake answering sessions on Quora.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Juergen Meixner",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Juergen-Meixner",
"Credential": "In scientific terms, the correct word is Cannabis and not \"Marijuana\".",
"Views": "10k",
"UpVotes": 32,
"AnswerText": "Cannabis is the least toxic therapeutically active substance known to man, since ever.\n\nIts Therapeutic Ratio (TR) is so high as to be virtually impossible to calculate but is believed to be between 1:20000 and 1:40000. Thus if 100mg of cannabis would produce an effect, between two to four kilos (taken at once) would be fatal. This amount is, of course, impossible to consume.\n\nTherapeutic Ratio (TR) is the ratio of effective dose for 50% of users (ED50) to lethal dose for 50% of users (LD50). The TR of alcohol is 1:20. TR of heroin is 1:5.\n\nAlso, cannabis works on our body because it modulates the endocannabinoid system which consists of a network of CB1 and CB2 receptors throughout the body and endocannabinoids which are the body’s natural chemicals equivalent to the chemicals in the cannabis plant. The CB1 receptor is now believed to be the most prevalent receptor in the brain but does not exist in the brain stem which controls the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. This is why, unlike opiates, alcohol or other drugs, cannabis cannot depress basic life functions to the point of death.\n\nMany doctors are unaware of the endcocannabinoid system because it was only discovered in 1988 and so has only recently been documented in medical education.\n\nIt is now believed to be the most important physiological system in our body, regulating the central nervous system, immune, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and reproductive systems. This is why mankind has found cannabis such a safe and effective medicine for at least 5,000 years for such a wide variety of conditions.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Ben Owens",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Ben-Owens-4",
"Credential": "Cannabis consumer, writer and CannaVenture® founder.",
"Views": "12.3k",
"UpVotes": 50,
"AnswerText": "People consume cannabis for a variety of reasons, typically out of a desire to enhance the current situation, whatever that may be, through a mind-altering substance with minimal long-term side effects. Now, that’s the boring, technical answer, because everyone has a different reason. Some people are looking for relief from pain or medical conditions, others are looking for euphoria or a way to relax and unplug from the day-to-day hustle.\n\nI’ve touched on this previously in Why do smart people use marijuana? [ /Why-do-smart-people-use-marijuana ], and I’ll attempt to modify my answer to be a bit more general, but, speaking personally, cannabis is the most practical option for enhancing my life. At the end of the day, every reason I use cannabis comes down to the practicality of cannabis as a tool, both professionally and personally, for accomplishing my goals. Cannabis gives me access to creative freedoms and ideas, helps narrow my focus to the task at hand, slows my thoughts down enough to organize them and never leaves me “hungover” or in a state that prevents me from accomplishing tomorrow’s tasks.\n\nSimilar to most, college was a time of drinking, experimenting and partying. Through the years, I realized that I enjoy the drinking culture, but am constantly plagued by the negatives surrounding its use. High costs, shitty morning afters, and generally fuzzy or nonexistent memories often led me to prefer cannabis. Often, I would rather be upstairs in a room with 15 people smoking blunts rather than on the dance floor doing shots all night.\n\nOnce I got past cannabis as a strictly recreational substance, I began to understand and apply it in other aspects of my life. I started to realize that certain types of cannabis, and certain products, allowed me to control my “high” in a way that was productive, beneficial, and practical. For instance, I typically use cannabis concentrates during the day as I feel they offer a more targeted, clear high while flower is more of a pastime that I enjoy indulging in. To me, rushing through a bowl sounds terrible when I could take a dab or two. Similarly, the idea of hand-selecting a few choice flowers, crushing them by hand, unrolling a backwood, and proceeding to roll up a blunt sounds like a great way to kick back after work or with some friends.\n\nCannabis is the most practical substance for enhancing my life for four explicit reasons:\n\n- Creative Freedom - Cannabis enables me to make connections and express thoughts differently than I often do without it. Not that it turns you into a super-communicator, but it allows you to come up with ideas you may not have explored as fully or disregarded as outlandish or unattainable. It allows your brain to run down that trail for a few miles and see what would happen before deciding if it’s the trail you should take.\n- Tunnel Vision - Once you’ve found your trail, staying with the path and avoiding second-guessing and distractions is key. For me, cannabis enhances my ability to compartmentalize projects and aspects of my life unrelated to the task at hand. It creates a tunnel vision of sorts that blocks out distractions and current tasks on my to-do list that would otherwise sway my attention all over the place.\n- Slow Down - Cannabis helps me pace myself. Especially if I’m excited about an idea, my brain (and often my mouth) starts rapid-firing ideas and plans and tasks. Cannabis allows me to take a second and digest, “compiling my notes” and then effectively communicating them. On a recreational level, it also allows me to take time to just be, enjoying my surroundings, activities and the people I’m around without running to the next task or project.\n- No Hangover - Especially regarding recreational use, but cannabis use in general doesn’t create that awful sluggish next day like alcohol or other intoxicants do. In legal states, having access to different strains with different effects is an added benefit for choosing the right cannabis option for your intended purposes. As someone who likes to enjoy cannabis throughout the day, but doesn’t really “recreate” until all of my tasks are done, the heavy, end-of-day-session allows for relaxing, enjoying life, and all without having to trudge through the next days work at half-speed.\nEveryone has a different reason for their use. Some of my friends choose cannabis as a replacement for cigarettes, others wouldn’t be able to get through a day of pain without it, and some just want a fun alternative to combine with a Friday night movie. My cannabis use is intentional, and that’s not the case for many people who only consume when the opportunity presents itself. For me, the ability to selectively enhance certain aspects of my day and alter certain parts of my mind based on the types of cannabis products I’m consuming is both practical and advantageous.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Manik Juneja",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Manik-Juneja-1",
"Credential": "studied at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies",
"Views": "10.3k",
"UpVotes": 72,
"AnswerText": "A spiritual journey is a scientific way of affirming your soul`s primacy over your mind. An average 20 year old guy sits quietly in the corner of the bus with his earphones on listening to some random Floyd song probably for the 100 time. He gazes outside the window at the serenity of the sunset and reflects on his not so perfect day. He is distorted by the fact that he has to go to college every day to fulfill this absurd duty of getting a degree. His teachers find him ignorant and his parents a mess. When the failures of your past and your future are standing clearly right in front of you, it is not easy to keep going through the motions. But such is the nature of life. To top it all off he has to meet people whose mere existence does not matter to him but well no one wants to be the unsocial guy. He reaches his home, greets his roommates and starts making tea. With a cup of chai in one hand and a burning joint in the other they all sit down together. Each of them have their own back story, their own fuck-ups and their own problems. But at this point of time all you can hear is the slurping sound of the tea and laughter filling the room. The music starts to makes sense in his mind as if he can feel the guitar telling a story of it`s own capturing the emotions of the player to perfection. Or a book in his hand is not a mere collection of words but a clear perception of the author’s thoughts. It is at this moment is that he realizes that this world is not as bad as it seems. That life is a spiritual journey. A journey you go through to find that inner space in you. The space where all your thoughts come together and you know what you want to do. You see life from a different point of view and see the bigger picture for yourself and for those around you. At the same time he realizes that this moment of joy here is what we as humans seek in life and want to collect as many of them as possible. The resilience that makes us human is back.\n\nSmoking up does not make you ignore your responsibilities or make you a nut case. It just gives you a different approach to look at things. It is up to you what you choose to do with it. You can do your assignments, travel, write answer on a public forum, anything and enjoy it while you`re at it.\n\nPlus you are going to enjoy food like never before. This is why people smoke weed or at least why they should.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Cristian Andreasen",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Cristian-Andreasen",
"Credential": "Living life as a teenager",
"Views": 161,
"UpVotes": 3,
"AnswerText": "I am not a puritan, but let me start off by saying that pot is absolutely shit and you should keep far away from it.\n\nSeriously it’s a waste of money, and you should be ashamed to even spend money on that kind of trash. Shame on you! You should be smoking hash instead, that shit hits you like a motherfucker, and has a much higher THC.\n\nIf you want value for your money then smoke hash buddy, it’s as simple as that.\n\nYour parents would not be proud of you if you waste money on useless things.\n\nI mean I have smoked pot countless of times, but never really felt anything, it was so anti-climatic.\n\nThe best solution would be to smoke a “god” which is; a huge joint (mixed tobacco and hash), sprinkled with THC powder, and cannabis oil. It’s really expensive, like 5–600 DKK which is 100$, but the high it gives you is insane.\n\n[ IMAGE: https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9aeb65066bc6848385c67c7ee7cd2112 ]\n\nA hash shop in Christiania in Copenhagen, Denmark, where you can choose between several strains. The cheapest is “blomst” and “Kashmir” and you can get 3 grams for about 14 USD, but the other strains are noticeably more expensive and obviously also better.\n\nEDIT: If you’re a teen you should probably keep your marijuana use on the low because your brain is still developing, and it can be harmful. But if you’re an adult, 420 blaze that weed bro",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "MaryAnne Lucas\nDean Galberry",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/MaryAnne-Lucas",
"Credential": "Cannabis patient and advocate",
"Views": "4.1k",
"UpVotes": 14,
"AnswerText": "People smoke cannabis for many reasons. If they aren’t using it for medicine, here are a few reasons why it’s the recreational “drug” of choice [ https://cannabis.net/blog/opinion/5-reasons-you-should-try-recreational-cannabis ]for many:\n\n- Cannabis reduces stress; it’s a great natural way to unwind and relax after a day at work without any side effects.\n- It makes food taste better.\n- The right sativa strains can give you more energy and help you become more productive and creative.\n- It heightens your senses so that even the simplest, or seemingly mundane activities like listening to music are much more enjoyable with a good high.\n- Cannabis is a great substance for introspection, spirituality, and self-awareness.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Mark Werner",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Mark-Werner-4",
"Credential": "As a 70-year old police officer and lifelong skeptic.... I'm fairly expert.",
"Views": "8.5k",
"UpVotes": 22,
"AnswerText": "I’m sure the moderators will have you revise your question, so let’s try this:\n\n“Why do so many people smoke marijuana?”\n\nWhich is what I suppose you’re asking. If not…. Let us know.\n\nNow, the bigger question is, why do people intoxicate themselves? And that’s a big one. We (human beings, that is) likely started agriculture way back in the mists of time to make booze, rather than food.\n\nThat’s the current thinking of a lot of anthropologists…..A steady supply of grain for food was just a side-effect.\n\nAs far as I know, every society on the face of the Earth has managed to figure out SOME kind of intoxicant. If not alcohol, then psychoactive plants like mushrooms and similar substances. There are hundreds of them.\n\nSome did this only for ceremonial purposes. To have “visions”. To try to communicate with the “spirits”.\n\nSome just did it for fun. This has been since pre-history.\n\nThe “why” is a big question. There are costs, as we all know. Getting drunk often results in bad behavior and a nasty hangover. Using other intoxicants can have powerful psychological effects and can result in addiction.\n\nYet we do these things, and we do them at a pretty high rate. It’s been estimated that in the US alone we consume many billions of dollars worth of illicit drugs per year.\n\nSome of this is simply recreational. People “escape the troubles of the day.” They temporarily forget about all that’s obnoxious in their lives.\n\nOthers (a substantial percentage) are self-medicating, primarily for depression. Alcohol and depression go together like a horse and carriage.\n\nThere are other reasons, of course.\n\nConsider this…. We spend many billions of dollars each year trying to control drugs. We interdict, we arrest, we imprison, we seize, we meddle in foreign affairs, we try to educate…..\n\nAnd all of that hasnt’ really done a damn thing.\n\nHardly anybody is asking the important question which is what you asked…..”Why?”",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Ann Austin\nMorok Hawk",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Ann-Austin",
"Credential": "60 yr old with MS for the legalization of marijuana.",
"Views": "4.7k",
"UpVotes": 13,
"AnswerText": "Some people smoke for recreational purposes but there is a large population out there smoking for medical reasons. Cancer patients, chronic pain patients MS patients - for spasms and cramping, epilepsy patients, and the list goes on. The issue is getting it legalized nationwide. This is a product that was actually grown by our forefathers, that's right hemp, and used to make clothes and ropes for ships. So there is a big market there not just to get high. Where it's being sold they are collecting so much tax revenue that some states have started giving taxes back to their constituents. I propose that we legalize it across the board, control it like alcohol, use tax money to pay off the deficit. By decriminalized it you will shut down all black markets associated with it and clean out the prisons of nonviolent offenders. Prohibition never worked. We just never learn!!",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Avinash More",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Avinash-More",
"Credential": "Raconteur. IT guy.",
"Views": "12.9k",
"UpVotes": 14,
"AnswerText": "Used recreationally, it can be quite relaxing, fun and social depending on whom you ask.\n\nIt has a history of use an order of magnitude larger than alcohol without the social issues alcohol can cause.\nCuriosity would be the number one reason people try it. Whether it be an attempt at peer acceptance or merely an interest in its long and vibrant culture.\n\nHave you watched https://goo.gl/LEpF1\nIf not, you should.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Sam Toolis",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Sam-Toolis",
"Credential": "I use it, 25+ years",
"Views": "1.6k",
"UpVotes": 2,
"AnswerText": "Personally, I smoke for pain relief. YMMV.\n\nThere are dozens of reasons someone might smoke cannabis, for everything from anxiety relief to insomnia, and then there are plenty of people who smoke for no particular reason except that they like it.\n\nWhatever",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Grace Alexandre",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Grace-Alexandre",
"Credential": "Page at Central Library, Mississauga, ON, Canada (2001-present)",
"Views": 116,
"UpVotes": "",
"AnswerText": "Because they're hippacrits!! Why people smoke anything at all is beyond me.\nI have never seen such a disgusting habit in my life!!",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Ralph Huisman",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Ralph-Huisman-1",
"Credential": "Self Employed Builder",
"Views": 75,
"UpVotes": "",
"AnswerText": "Because there's a huge VOID in their lives! They have a narrow imagination and limited ability to achieve original thoughts or actions. They are unhappy or dissapointed with their lives, and/or dissatisfied with their future prospects. They need to deflect from reality, because their reality is horrible. They are covering up a trauma. They're seeking relief from pain or frustration. They can't cope with living life straight and drug free. They seek escapism, temporarily or permanently. They never discovered fitness or sport, both of which eliminate the urge to smoke anything. They smoke because their friends and peers indulge. They are dependent or addicted to the substance. They have been duped by legalization. They think it is innocuous. They've made it their hobby and social pastime.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "VJ Sleight",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/VJ-Sleight-1",
"Credential": "studied at Health Psychology",
"Views": "1k",
"UpVotes": "",
"AnswerText": "As a hospice volunteer and member of a cancer support group, I have known many cancer patients who have used marijuana as a sleep aid and to relieve pain. We have an epidemic of opioid addiction from the use as a pain reliever. The people I know prefer using marijuana instead of oxycontin/morphine because they were more alert and less drugged out.\n\nI used marijuana in 1987 on the advice of my oncologist to control nausea from chemotherapy. It worked well. There are new anti-nausea drugs on the market now that weren't available in 1987 though.\n\nPS. Most of them ate edibles, they didn't smoke it.\n\nFor someone without a medical condition, they use marijuana for the same reasons why someone would want to drink alcohol. It relaxes them, alters their state of being, provides an intoxicating effect.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Seung Hyun",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Seung-Hyun",
"Credential": "Tech Engineer",
"Views": "7.6k",
"UpVotes": 22,
"AnswerText": "I smoke weed everyday after work of course. I am a tech support engineer just FYI to those that think weed smokers are dumb ass's that eat chips and watch Tv all day.. My reasons for smoking it are:\nRelieves any stresses left over from work, believe it or not when i'm high I have a longer attention span and am way more creative. It gets the creative juices flowing. When high I don't have a single worry in the world. Last but certainly not least the taste. I love the taste of Kush. If the weed your smoking doesn't taste good and has lots of seeds in it, than it's not worth smoking.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Alinn Smith",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Alinn-Smith",
"Credential": "works at Freelancing",
"Views": 988,
"UpVotes": 2,
"AnswerText": "Here i am sharing a view of my friend having a personal Experience .\n\nHi, I’m talking from personal experiance, I had severe anxiety... every time I woke up I was finding it hard too cope. Yes cannabis was easing my pain considerably. But with any medicine it should not be abused. I built a really high tolerance which has dropped dramatically as new cbd strains have been releasing. 8 have cbd strains too help me overall.\n\nI’m growing a high thc strain with high cbd good for sleep and insomnia alongside pain. It’s called blueberry og from barneys.\n\nAnd a 1:1 ratio strain from cbd crew it’s called skunk haze it also has 50\\50 percent indica too sativa. This will be good for fatigue and Avery balanced high. Not too lazy or high feeling.\n\nAlso a strain called gorilla cookies which will be high thc, just too see my reaction too this strain, or too keep it innevents were my insomia gets really bad, or need some serious pain relief.\n\nI also have Jack Herer plant which is menatbyoo give you a very unique dative high, I heard it’s very energetic high, good for day time use. Also a unique terpene.\n\nI had and and destroyed cbd hash plant and Chitral Kush, thease were all most 100 percent indica, the Chitral was really thc, but the hash plant was meant too be good for pain with not much of a high.\n\nI’m growing organically and not feed8ng not nutes for the last few weeks.\n\nWhen I was treating my depression I was smoking street haze, with more likely was a hybrid. So one of the best weed store near you [ https://oc3dispensary.com/ ] in santa ana is oc3dispensary. Hope you all enjoying my experience",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "David Mahon",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/David-Mahon-6",
"Credential": "",
"Views": "3.7k",
"UpVotes": 6,
"AnswerText": "I did not really find an Answer I was looking to find?\nI understand why it can be enjoyed,etc. Useful as like a med, and even to help relieve Boredom.\nWhat I don't Understand is when people may Over-Use to the extent they are coughing a lot, spending way too much money on it, and neglecting other areas of their life that is important.\nI think it's def an Amazing experience that one can have, sometimes mind blowing! etc.\nAnd perhaps so much more that I have still to find out about. But no matter how wonderful it may be, it's not All Positive. Like most things in life, if experienced too much it surely loses it's Allure, it's Attractiveness or it's Novelty!",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Martyn V. Halm",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Martyn-V-Halm",
"Credential": "researched cannabis for personal medical use (glaucoma).",
"Views": "11.8k",
"UpVotes": 16,
"AnswerText": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?\"\n\nIgnorance, or perhaps tradition.\n\nPeople smoke cannabis because they:\n\n- are conservative and traditionalists who prefer burning cannabis to actually extracting more ingredients through vaporisation.\n- don't know about vaporising and vaporisers.\n- don't want to invest in a device, or carry around a device to use cannabis.\n\n[ IMAGE: https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-5803efec9f8b47eb43560777d0de18b8.webp ]",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Justin Welcher",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Justin-Welcher",
"Credential": "works at Clothing and Apparel",
"Views": "1.9k",
"UpVotes": "",
"AnswerText": "There are several reasons to smoke weed or marijuana or pot. Smoking cannabis produces a variety of effects that depend upon an individual’s anatomy and mindset. As we know it contains THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) which is the active constituent of cannabis is responsible for “high’ caused by consuming marijuana. This high feeling can be explained as a heightened sense of pleasure and joy which relaxes your limbs, eases your mind and slows your reflexes. People smoke marijuana for various reasons. Sometimes they do it just to get high. Sometimes they do it to alleviate themselves from the worldly worries. Some even do it to utilize its medicinal properties.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=1"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Ann Austin\nMorok Hawk",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Ann-Austin",
"Credential": "60 yr old with MS for the legalization of marijuana.",
"Views": "4.7k",
"UpVotes": 13,
"AnswerText": "Some people smoke for recreational purposes but there is a large population out there smoking for medical reasons. Cancer patients, chronic pain patients MS patients - for spasms and cramping, epilepsy patients, and the list goes on. The issue is getting it legalized nationwide. This is a product that was actually grown by our forefathers, that's right hemp, and used to make clothes and ropes for ships. So there is a big market there not just to get high. Where it's being sold they are collecting so much tax revenue that some states have started giving taxes back to their constituents. I propose that we legalize it across the board, control it like alcohol, use tax money to pay off the deficit. By decriminalized it you will shut down all black markets associated with it and clean out the prisons of nonviolent offenders. Prohibition never worked. We just never learn!!",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=2"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Seung Hyun",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Seung-Hyun",
"Credential": "Tech Engineer",
"Views": "7.6k",
"UpVotes": 22,
"AnswerText": "I smoke weed everyday after work of course. I am a tech support engineer just FYI to those that think weed smokers are dumb ass's that eat chips and watch Tv all day.. My reasons for smoking it are:\nRelieves any stresses left over from work, believe it or not when i'm high I have a longer attention span and am way more creative. It gets the creative juices flowing. When high I don't have a single worry in the world. Last but certainly not least the taste. I love the taste of Kush. If the weed your smoking doesn't taste good and has lots of seeds in it, than it's not worth smoking.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=2"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Josh Autherson",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Josh-Autherson",
"Credential": "",
"Views": 586,
"UpVotes": "",
"AnswerText": "It helps some people with Depression, anxiety, or stress. Yes it may have some effects but not that much. Some people smoke it just to get high and not have to worry about what’s going on. Either they’re tired of being bullied or sexual assaulted, or kidnaped. Some other people can’t smoke it because either they freak out, or have a mental breakdown or lose their own mind like see something other people can’t see. But if the people who study’s Marijuana and see what effects it causes for people then probably improve it a little bit more. It helps some people not all, but some people can go insane and lose their mind, other people will just play games or take a walk or do something active and pretend like nothing happened.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=2"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Joe Cartland",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Joe-Cartland",
"Credential": "b.a. How to Survive Adultry (1962)",
"Views": 178,
"UpVotes": "",
"AnswerText": "Few realize it, but there was an aardvark present in the Garden of Eden and that particular aardvark was in the garden to deliver a K of Panama Red to the serpent and realized that these upwardly bipedal beings would be great revenue sources, since they were already using forbidden fruits. He just knew that a spliff of his Red would seal the deal, but he had to show them how to use it. He reckoned{correctly so] that having such short noses would require less smoke to get them off, so he never told them about nose hits or edibles. He was just on his way out to make his rounds when William Randolf Hearst, who hated Mexicans even more than tRUMP and owned congress, exerted his influence to make smoke completely illegal. Luckily the humans already knew the medicinal uses for this plant that was already established as a revenue source and grew on every continent except Antarctica. and only seemed to pay attention to the serpents advice., NOW you know.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=3"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Panos Shady",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Panos-Shady",
"Credential": "Extensive 'research' on the topic.",
"Views": "3.1k",
"UpVotes": 10,
"AnswerText": "Why do many people watch movies?\n\nWhy do many people read books?\n\nWhy do many people listen to music?\n\nWhy do many people eat bananas?\n\nDo I need to continue? People smoke weed because it makes them happy, more creative, relaxed and has numerous health benefits with most (I would even say all) of its disadvantages being mere misconceptions resulting from decades of propaganda, i.e. it makes you stupid, you become a junkie etc.\n\nYou asking this question is the same as someone else asking any of the questions above. In addition to its medicinal functions, people smoke weed because they want to.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=3"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Puja Bhatia",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Puja-Bhatia",
"Credential": "",
"Views": "9.6k",
"UpVotes": 14,
"AnswerText": "There are many reasons people report using marijuana. Some report that it helps them relax or fall asleep. Others, state that they are more Creative under the influence of the drug. Marijuana is often identified as a Social Drug and is often smoked in groups. Some people report that smoking gives them something to do so they aren’t bored. Others identify smoking marijuana to help with anger management, depression, or feelings of anxiety.\n\nhttps://en.docsity.com/news/parti... [ https://en.docsity.com/news/parties-and-university-life/weed-marijuana-component-american%E2%80%99s-teenager%E2%80%99s-life/ ]",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=3"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Cox Jared",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Cox-Jared",
"Credential": "Over 10 years growing True Living Organics style in Hawaii",
"Views": "2.1k",
"UpVotes": 10,
"AnswerText": "Why do people not want to smoke weed?\n\nSmoking weed let’s you see the world in a new light. A few rips on the doobie and you may notice your passion for certain things is intensified, whether it’s music, humor, art, computer, ect.\n\nAlso, smoking weed is a great way to relax after a stressful day at work. Compare weed to alcohol, and it’s clear to see what is the safer option.\n\nExperience a clear, functioning high with weed. No hangovers, and smoking weed is easy on the body. Plus it tastes great, and is a perfect cure for boredom.\n\nWhat’s not to love about dat?\n\n-Jared Cox",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=3"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Ilona Bunne'y",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Ilona-Bunney",
"Credential": "works at Artists and Creative Professions",
"Views": "2.9k",
"UpVotes": 6,
"AnswerText": "I have osteoarthritis and PTSD . My bones are wasting away my hips are so bad it's hard to sleep at all . Or even do house work is a mager effort . Sitting or standing to long painfull . Smokeing helps with pain and I can get at least some sleep even if it's only a couple of hours . It helps with my PTSD to stabalise mood swings and deapreshion . It saved my life . Before smokeing I was an acaholic and feeling sooasideal feeling like I wonted to die every day . Smokeing opend up my eyes to a new way of life , allmost pain free and feeling alive and won't ing to live and enjoy life .",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=3"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "John Agosta",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/John-Agosta-2",
"Credential": "former Healthcare Pro & Hospitality Traverser at US Vet & Florist",
"Views": 257,
"UpVotes": "",
"AnswerText": "It's very simple … it makes u feel good … as there's a psychoactive molecular element (substance: tetrahydradelta cannibanol) in the plant that affects ur brain central nervous system, by stimulating & inducing ur brains chemical compound excretion. It worx for those who like it. Iy makes sense to feel good by enhancing ur positive mood u already possess at that time ur consuming it. It is what it is. It intensify ur current feeling from neutral to vibrant & elated!",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=3"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Milan Shrivastava",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Milan-Shrivastava-2",
"Credential": "Artist, Poet, Storyteller, Sportsman, Geek, Founder - www.theblueeyedson.com; Program Manager - Microsoft R&D",
"Views": "3.2k",
"UpVotes": 6,
"AnswerText": "There is one and only one reason. FUN.\nBTW read this for the discoveries that were made under influence of weed\nDiscoveries Made Under Influence of Weed [ https://www.theblueeyedson.com/2013/07/discoveries-made-under-influence-of-weed.html ]",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=4"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Alan Person\nAnkit Patel",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Alan-Person",
"Credential": "works at Retirement",
"Views": "1.9k",
"UpVotes": 5,
"AnswerText": "Entertainment. Drugs and alcohol have long been used to drown out the awareness of current concerns and make it seem that life is happy and carefree. It's a fools paradise but it's unlikely everyone who uses them is unaware of the consequences and simply seeks the temporary relief... even the fun, elation, reduction in inhibitions or whatever else they get from it.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=4"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Philip Rabe",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Philip-Rabe",
"Credential": "former Construction Coordinator (1988-2013)",
"Views": 110,
"UpVotes": 5,
"AnswerText": "…Or drinking coffee, or taking tobacco, or having a martini after work, or getting high on a sugar binge, or getting endorphins from running a marathon.\n\nPeople LIKE to alter the way they feel. It’s been going on since before recorded history. Cannabis is a safer alternative to many prescription “calmatives” which tend to be both habit forming and require ever increasing dosages.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=4"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Chris Nix",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Chris-Nix",
"Credential": "studied at TCC",
"Views": "8.1k",
"UpVotes": 16,
"AnswerText": "It has a natural calming effect. It brings a subtle state of euphoria to the user, which is perfect after a stressful day. It has no physically addicting properties, and cannot be overdosed on. Recent research also suggests that because o the sheer amount of active chemicals that the plant has unlocked medical properties.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=4"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Peter Banh",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Peter-Banh",
"Credential": "Self-Employed as an In-Home Math Tutor",
"Views": 19,
"UpVotes": 2,
"AnswerText": "People smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis/drugs because they are weak minded. They can’t face the real world that is why they need to abuse substances to escape reality. Strong minded people would never use illegal drugs to escape reality.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=4"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Faith Lynn",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Faith-Lynn-38",
"Credential": "Been doing Cannabis since 2018.",
"Views": 150,
"UpVotes": 2,
"AnswerText": "Cause it's awesome, bro .\n\nIt is awesome to smoke weed, you get to relax and you feel at ease. That's mainly the reason why people do weed. It calms them down and stops most pain. Some, like me, need it to sleep at night. Some do it because their friends, lover, family, etc are doing it, and there is some people who do weed as a way to say “f you, parents!” and, i assume, there's a few people who do weed for no reason. They wanted to try it, they did, and they're just doing it now for little to no reason.\n\nIn conclusion, everyone does weed because it makes us feel happy, helps us through the day/night, and it helps our pains go away.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=4"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Kelsey Lander",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Kelsey-Lander",
"Credential": "",
"Views": 207,
"UpVotes": 2,
"AnswerText": "There really isn’t any evidence that suggests cannabis takes away pain and has “medicinal benefits”. What it does cause is disassociation. This does not numb pain, it removes you from reality. And… it is not a good feeling.\n\nPeople need to find more mature ways to handle their problems as an adult. Just like drinking and over eating, smoking pot excessively as an adult is a poor coping strategy.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=4"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Jim Kenyon",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Jim-Kenyon",
"Credential": "I live in Ann Arbor",
"Views": "6.1k",
"UpVotes": 6,
"AnswerText": "Three general \"use cases\" which (may) have some overlap:\n1) Recreational - similar to having a beer / cocktail / etc...\n2) Relaxation (may overlap with 1 & 3)\n3) Medical reasons\n\nIt's unfortunate that we've not explored (and exploited, if results are good) the medical potential - but that's another kettle of fish entirely.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=4"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Kiran Rahul",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Kiran-Rahul",
"Credential": "Former Infantry Soldier",
"Views": "6.2k",
"UpVotes": 27,
"AnswerText": "Ever had that feeling of uncontrollable laughter, wherein you just had to laugh, even if you are standing in the principal's office?\nWell multiply that by a hundred.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=4"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Jim Minion\nDean Galberry",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Jim-Minion",
"Credential": "30 years sales, vaping, atheist, Minion Method BBQ",
"Views": 177,
"UpVotes": 2,
"AnswerText": "For the same reasons people drink alcohol, but in the case of marijuana we are finding beneficial benefits for some people. We have cannabinoid receptors throughout our bodies that are part of the Endocannabinoid system which is involved in a variety of physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory.\n\nMarijuana can be an escape from reality but it can also be an escape from pain, PTSD, brain chemistry problems.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=5"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Nancy-Anne Rose\nMorok Hawk",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Nancy-Anne-Rose",
"Credential": "Contributing Writer for LIFT Cannabis",
"Views": "1.5k",
"UpVotes": "",
"AnswerText": "I enjoy the different sensations I experience from using cannabis. It also helps to ease menstral cramps, mange headaches and alleviate any anxiety I feel on occasion.\n\nIt’s like drinking alcohol which I enjoy and smoking tobacco which I don’t. It’s a personal preference just like any other adult activity.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=5"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Stephanie Kaye Turner",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Stephanie-Kaye-Turner",
"Credential": "Teacher, Translator",
"Views": "8.8k",
"UpVotes": 6,
"AnswerText": "One medical use is for people undergoing chemotherapy, who often experience nausea and loss of appetite. Pot can help counter both those problems, as well as giving the user a mellow state of relaxation, which is probably a good thing during the stress of chemo.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=5"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Cam Takon",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Cam-Takon",
"Credential": "Studied psychology",
"Views": 152,
"UpVotes": "",
"AnswerText": "Many times peer pressure coupled with a desire for adventure, it finally becomes an addiction, which is the biggest reason why people do it.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=5"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Byakuya Kuchiki",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Byakuya-Kuchiki-35",
"Credential": "Truck Driver (2009-present)",
"Views": 29,
"UpVotes": 3,
"AnswerText": "Because everyone needs an escape in some way or another, and weed, just so happens to be a safe and great escape. Don't do it though, unless you are an adult and have the right to make an educated decision to do such a thing, but, in my opinion, it is far better and safer than hardcore drugs or alcohol.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=6"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Jack Lurhstaap Romero\nAnthony Kiejzo",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Jack-Lurhstaap-Romero",
"Credential": "I smoke, grow, and breed connoisseur grade marijuana.",
"Views": 390,
"UpVotes": "",
"AnswerText": "See my answer here:\n\nWhy do people smoke weed? Whats is the benefit? . What feeling do people get? . Why do people smoke even after knowing that it is not good for health?? [ /Why-do-people-smoke-weed-Whats-is-the-benefit-What-feeling-do-people-get-Why-do-people-smoke-even-after-knowing-that-it-is-not-good-for-health ]",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=6"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Jasim Bader",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Jasim-Bader",
"Credential": "Curious",
"Views": 774,
"UpVotes": "",
"AnswerText": "For me, and for most people I know, it was just curiosity.\n\nPeople who smoked weed regularly were always talking about how fun it was, how it made you laugh, how it made you feel good, how you'll do crazy things, etc.\n\nThat's what made me think:\n\"I'm gonna try that out myself. Maybe I'll like it too.\" And I did. It's fun, as long as you don't do it too often.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=6"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "David Hosmun",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/David-Hosmun-1",
"Credential": "former Technician at Honda",
"Views": 37,
"UpVotes": 3,
"AnswerText": "They either enjoy it, or they could be using it in other ways. A lot of people now days are making oils and even making butters for medical purposes. Marijuana isn’t viewed like a dangerous substance so much anymore.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=6"
"Question": "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?",
"Author": "Skip Moreland",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Skip-Moreland",
"Credential": "former Health Care Worker at Nursing Homes (1984-2005)",
"Views": 20,
"UpVotes": 2,
"AnswerText": "Why do people drink?\n\nMy wife uses chocolate to feel good. Others use a wide range of things to feel good. I know long distance runners who say they get a high from running. People do things for the pleasure they think it gives them.\n\nI used to smoke weed. It was pleasurably to me.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed-marijuana-cannabis?page_id=6"
"Question": "What is it like to be high on marijuana or other sources of THC?",
"Author": "Mark de Haan",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Mark-de-Haan-5",
"Credential": "Born and Raised in New Hampshire",
"Views": "77.2k",
"UpVotes": 186,
"AnswerText": "It's great. I smoked pretty frequently from the age of 16-28 and I don't regret it one bit. I still indulge myself on a very rare occassion, but I’ve ceased regular weed usage due to a lack of time and need.\n\nGood-\n\n- You will find things to be far more humorous than they would be if you were sober.\n- I personally find myself to be very extroverted when high compared to being rather introverted and quiet when sober.\n- It's 10× better to watch TV and film when high. Some good film/tv recommendations for when you're high include That 70's Show, Planet Earth BBC, Pineapple Express, Sausage Party, and Interstellar. You will find film and TV to be far more interesting and those listed films/tv shows are the ones that are the best to watch high to me personally.\n- You will get the munchies and you will find food to be 100× better while high compared to being sober.\n- If you took an indica strain, you will be far more relaxed and very mellow.\n- You will find nature to be very beautiful. This is precisely why you must watch Planet Earth BBC.\n- Your senses will be enhanced while high.\n- I personally become a shitty philosopher while I'm high and it's lead to some very amusing memories.\n- I don't know how to say this another way, but to put it simply, sex and masturbation will be amazing while high.\n- Music will be 100× better and it personally enhances my high depending on who the artist is.\n- You tend to be more creative and poetic when high, hence many musicians and artists using weed.\nNeutral-\n\n- Your sense of time gets heavily altered. 5 minutes feels like 25 minutes.\nBad-\n\n- Cottonmouth. To me this is the worst thing when high. Your mouth will feel like it just swallowed a bunch of cotton balls. It is crucial you carry liquids and hard candy while high.\n- You will get a slight “hangover” after your high wears off. This is really just feeling kind of groggy and a little slow.\n- Anxiety and Paranoia. Some of the scariest moments of my life were taking edibles at night after my parents went to bed.\n- Your eyes will turn bloodshot and have a glossy look to them. They will also be saggy. It is essential to use Visine and to carry shades.\n- If you get caught you could be fucked depending on what state or country you are in.\n- You may recieve a bad “trip” although this has never personally happened to me.\n- If smoking, you may develop a sore throat and a raspy voice.\n- You will reek of weed if you smoke it. Particularly on your hands, hair, and breath. Carry body spray and mints.\nThat's all I can think of at the moment.\n\nJust to note, your high and how powerful it is will vary based on your\n\n- Tolerance. The more frequently you use weed, the more weed you need.\n- Means of consumption. Edibles won't do anything to you for an hour or two, but then it hits you like a freight train and you’re out for at least 5 hours. Smoking weed will hit you within minutes and it will allow you to control your dosage. You can also consume weed via bong and vape pens.\n- Strain. Indicas typically make you more relaxed, mellow, and sleepier, while Sativas make you sociable, adventurous, and active. There are also hybrid strains available.\nHope this helps you out.",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-be-high-on-marijuana-or-other-sources-of-THC?page_id=1"
"Question": "What is it like to be high on marijuana or other sources of THC?",
"Author": "Andrew Stein",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/Andrew-Stein-1",
"Credential": "skeptic by day, skeptic by night.",
"Views": "652.2k",
"UpVotes": 483,
"AnswerText": "In my observations, weed effects people differently. I've known people where the only thing that happened to them is they get very tired or paranoid. One person said that the one time she got high, she felt like she was floating. She HATED it and never did it again. With another friend, there was no outward change whether she was high or sober, but she smoked all the time. \n\nAs for me, I have nothing but good things to say about it. :). Well mostly good things anyway.\n\nFor the sake of disclosure, I was a regular smoker for years, but now only very occasionally (only partly because of marriage to a lawyer for the state.) I've also been drunk and have used pain-medicine non-recreationally.\n\nAnyway, here's what I generally experience in no particular order. I will break them down into positive and negative experiences. Keep in mind this is all subjective as I have no way of quantitatively measuring any of this.\n\nPositive\n\n-Euphoria: Simply put, being high physically feels great, almost as good as an opioid pain killer. I can't describe the sensation any more than I could explain what the taste of a banana feels like. However it feels good.\n\n-Enhanced sensations: Particularly taste and hearing. Remember Jon Stewart's cameo in Half Baked*? I can relate. My senses just seem so much more intense under the influence. eating a chocolate chip cookie was great sober, but when high, it is almost unbearably pleasurable when high. When listening to music, I'll often pick up details that I never noticed before. Soft details in the music will often sound much louder. Also, and this is hard to describe, listening to good music PHYSICALLY feels good.\n\n-Perception of time can slow down: I mostly notice this when listening to music, but I'll sometimes notice that the time between beats feels a lot longer than it should. Sometimes a 5 minute track feels like it went on for 20 minutes.\n\n-Mild hallucinations/visions: These aren't really the right words but I don't have any better description at the moment. If I'm listening to music and close my eyes, ill see...interesting things. Often times it'll look like a music visualizer like MilkDrop [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MilkDrop ]. Other times ill see pulsing geometric shapes. Yet other times I'll see full fledged visions like flying over a landscape. It works best in a dark room when I'm lying down. If I open my eyes, the effect immediately disappears.\n\n-Short term memory loss: Not really a positive thing, but I think it is funny. Sometimes when I get to the end of a sentence, I'll forget what I said at the beginning. It's also a reason I prefer to be alone, or at least not in a social situation when smoking.\n\n-Lets me fall asleep: I suffer from insomnia fairly regularly. The ONLY thing that would let me fall asleep regularly is marijuana. Even Ambien stops working after a few consecutive days of use. It wouldn't make me tired per se, but when I was ready for bed, I'd fall asleep in minutes. Consequently I mostly smoked in the evening an hour or two before bed.\n\n-Non addictive: I used to smoke nightly years. I took several breaks that lasted months with no physical side affects or mood changes. I stopped almost entirely 3 years ago with no problems. I do miss it sometimes, but much in the same way I miss eating donuts, which I also gave up. Usually I just don't think about it.\n \nNegative\n\n-Munchies: Eating is insanely pleasurable, and when you get the Munchies, you stay hungry. However when trying to lose weight or keep in shape, this is a curse more then a blessing. Still it is manageable. I lost 40 pounds despite smoking regularly, mostly by keeping healthy, low cal snacks nearby. Before I\n\n-Trouble concentrating: I know one person who loved doing housework when high. Another liked coding. Not me though. Anything more active than watching movies required to much energy to focus. I preferred laying around listening to music.\n\n-Paranoia: Didn't happen all that often, but sometimes I'd experience it. I knew it was a side effect of smoking and therefore could ignore it.\n\n-Low talking: I tended to talk in a whisper when high. Probably because everything sounds louder. People therefore have trouble hearing me. Combine that with short term memory loss and I'm sure I'm just a treasure to converse with.\n\n-Hangovers: Not the right term, but again vocabulary fails me. Mornings after aren't painful, like with alcohol. But, something just doesn't seem right. No matter what I could never smoke in the morning, and not at least until late afternoon/early evening at the earliest. (depending if it was a weekday or weekend) Usually it would be after 7 or 8.\n\n-Bad Trips: This only happened a few times, but being high was incredibly unpleasant. Combination of nausea, paranoia and just feeling like crap. It was a reason why I took a long break.\n\n-No desire to be social: I'm very introverted to begin with and being out with people can be draining after a while depending on my mood. When I'm stoned and with people, it takes that much more energy to be able to converse and concentrate. Most of the people I know who smoke are social smokers, so I'm in the minority here. Incidentally, being drunk socially isn't much better, but I rarely drink anyway.\n\nWhat I never experienced:\n\nLack of motivation: Granted, you aren't all that motivated when you are high, but it never seeped into my daily sober life. As I mentioned earlier, I actually managed to lose 40 pounds and get in shape despite smoking regularly. \n\nDesire to try other drugs: Pretty self explanatory. \n\nNow, I've been drunk, high, taken pain medicine (not recreationally) and hallucinated on Ambien. I've found the effects of marijuana to be the most pleasurable and agreeable to me by far. While being drunk can be fun, I don't actually like the taste of most alcoholic beverages. Plus, there's a certain spot I have to hit to enjoy it. Too much and the nausea and spinning room simply isn't worth it. Pain killers certainly feel pleasant, but they don't do much else for me. Even worst is the strong risk of addiction. Ambien can make me hallucinate (if I haven't had any in months), I WILL be fast asleep in minutes.\n\nWould I recommend to someone to try it? Not really. For one, it IS illegal and I'd never suggest to someone it is worth the risks. There's still a social stigma to being a stoner. Also, not everyone considers altering their consciousness their idea of a good time.\n\n*",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-be-high-on-marijuana-or-other-sources-of-THC?page_id=1"
"Question": "What is it like to be high on marijuana or other sources of THC?",
"Author": "Prashant Jadhav (प्रशांत जाधव)\nKaustav Bhattacharjee",
"AuthorLink": "https://www.quora.com/profile/प्रशांत-जाधव-Prashant-Jadhav",
"Credential": "Ex grass lover",
"Views": "38k",
"UpVotes": 75,
"AnswerText": "Experience of grass differs from person to person.\n\nWhen you take drag on a grass. Only first two shots are sufficient to slow your world and the moment you realise that it makes you smile. Blood starts to make your eyes red with every drag. The following are the common things that everyone experiences after getting high.\n\nYou lose track of time and things to do\n\nAfter smoking grass don't try to do anything. Just sit and relax.\n\nThe idea that marijuana alters perceptions is one thing. It clearly does that.\n\nWhen you get an urge to listen a music then you search for your phone. After holding it in your hand you wonder what a marvellous thing your phone is. Just touching glass is enough to call your parents. Human being is so brilliant to make this kind of thing.\n\nYou are holding phone and looking at it for long time. You do not remember why.\n\nYou look around for some clues and then you put phone nearby. You finally remember! But now you have forgotten that you had to listen to music with that phone.\n\nNow you are happy that finally you are going to listen music. You take phone in your hand and touch your finger on the glass but you get confused where to go? How to start music player? You don't know what to do.\n\nMusic sounds profound\n\nNaina re (Hindi) Sairat zal ji (Marathi) symphony orchestra never sounded so good.\n\nYou hear every squeal of every violin, every beat of every drum, and you can even imagine orchestra people sitting before you and playing their instruments one after another.\n\nMeaning of the words will blow your mind. You just wonder about the exact suitability of the word in particular couplet.\n\nThe music finally has layers, and it tugs at your heartstrings and makes you happy.\n\nCarving for sweet\n\nJust put table spoon of sugar in your mouth close your eyes and try to crush crystals of sugar in your teeth. The deep sound of crushing returns your expenses on grass. Try hot jalebi or chocolate.\n\nWonder about simple things\n\nHow can human being communicate to each other by making sounds or using language ?\n\nWhy does my bike unlock with my key only?\n\nHow was the life of people in the stone age ?",
"URL": "https://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-be-high-on-marijuana-or-other-sources-of-THC?page_id=1"
Question | Author | AuthorLink | Credential | Views | UpVotes | AnswerText | URL |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Michael Backes | https://www.quora.com/profile/Michael-Backes | Author of Cannabis Pharmacy | 71.6k | 160 | This is a fascinating question, since the actual a... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Ash Gopikuttan | https://www.quora.com/profile/Ash-Gopikuttan | 13 years of smoking, and 7 years of drug research... | 1.9k | 12 | Firstly people with medical condition who are pres... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Juergen Meixner | https://www.quora.com/profile/Juergen-Meixner | In scientific terms, the correct word is Cannabis... | 10k | 32 | Cannabis is the least toxic therapeutically active... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Ben Owens | https://www.quora.com/profile/Ben-Owens-4 | Cannabis consumer, writer and CannaVenture® foun... | 12.3k | 50 | People consume cannabis for a variety of reasons, ... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Manik Juneja | https://www.quora.com/profile/Manik-Juneja-1 | studied at University of Petroleum and Energy Stu... | 10.3k | 72 | A spiritual journey is a scientific way of affirmi... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Cristian Andreasen | https://www.quora.com/profile/Cristian-Andreasen | Living life as a teenager | 161 | 3 | I am not a puritan, but let me start off by saying... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | MaryAnne Lucas Dean Galberry | https://www.quora.com/profile/MaryAnne-Lucas | Cannabis patient and advocate | 4.1k | 14 | People smoke cannabis for many reasons. If they ar... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Mark Werner | https://www.quora.com/profile/Mark-Werner-4 | As a 70-year old police officer and lifelong skep... | 8.5k | 22 | I’m sure the moderators will have you revise you... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Ann Austin Morok Hawk | https://www.quora.com/profile/Ann-Austin | 60 yr old with MS for the legalization of marijua... | 4.7k | 13 | Some people smoke for recreational purposes but th... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Avinash More | https://www.quora.com/profile/Avinash-More | Raconteur. IT guy. | 12.9k | 14 | Used recreationally, it can be quite relaxing, fun... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Sam Toolis | https://www.quora.com/profile/Sam-Toolis | I use it, 25+ years | 1.6k | 2 | Personally, I smoke for pain relief. YMMV. There ... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Grace Alexandre | https://www.quora.com/profile/Grace-Alexandre | Page at Central Library, Mississauga, ON, Canada ... | 116 | Because they're hippacrits!! Why people smoke anyt... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... | |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Ralph Huisman | https://www.quora.com/profile/Ralph-Huisman-1 | Self Employed Builder | 75 | Because there's a huge VOID in their lives! They h... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... | |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | VJ Sleight | https://www.quora.com/profile/VJ-Sleight-1 | studied at Health Psychology | 1k | As a hospice volunteer and member of a cancer supp... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... | |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Seung Hyun | https://www.quora.com/profile/Seung-Hyun | Tech Engineer | 7.6k | 22 | I smoke weed everyday after work of course. I am a... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Alinn Smith | https://www.quora.com/profile/Alinn-Smith | works at Freelancing | 988 | 2 | Here i am sharing a view of my friend having a per... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | David Mahon | https://www.quora.com/profile/David-Mahon-6 | 3.7k | 6 | I did not really find an Answer I was looking to f... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... | |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Martyn V. Halm | https://www.quora.com/profile/Martyn-V-Halm | researched cannabis for personal medical use (gla... | 11.8k | 16 | "Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis?"... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Justin Welcher | https://www.quora.com/profile/Justin-Welcher | works at Clothing and Apparel | 1.9k | There are several reasons to smoke weed or marijua... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... | |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Ann Austin Morok Hawk | https://www.quora.com/profile/Ann-Austin | 60 yr old with MS for the legalization of marijua... | 4.7k | 13 | Some people smoke for recreational purposes but th... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Seung Hyun | https://www.quora.com/profile/Seung-Hyun | Tech Engineer | 7.6k | 22 | I smoke weed everyday after work of course. I am a... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Josh Autherson | https://www.quora.com/profile/Josh-Autherson | 586 | It helps some people with Depression, anxiety, or ... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... | ||
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Joe Cartland | https://www.quora.com/profile/Joe-Cartland | b.a. How to Survive Adultry (1962) | 178 | Few realize it, but there was an aardvark present ... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... | |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Panos Shady | https://www.quora.com/profile/Panos-Shady | Extensive 'research' on the topic. | 3.1k | 10 | Why do many people watch movies? Why do many peop... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Puja Bhatia | https://www.quora.com/profile/Puja-Bhatia | 9.6k | 14 | There are many reasons people report using marijua... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... | |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Cox Jared | https://www.quora.com/profile/Cox-Jared | Over 10 years growing True Living Organics style ... | 2.1k | 10 | Why do people not want to smoke weed? Smoking wee... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Ilona Bunne'y | https://www.quora.com/profile/Ilona-Bunney | works at Artists and Creative Professions | 2.9k | 6 | I have osteoarthritis and PTSD . My bones are wast... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | John Agosta | https://www.quora.com/profile/John-Agosta-2 | former Healthcare Pro & Hospitality Traverser at ... | 257 | It's very simple … it makes u feel good … as t... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... | |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Milan Shrivastava | https://www.quora.com/profile/Milan-Shrivastava-2 | Artist, Poet, Storyteller, Sportsman, Geek, Found... | 3.2k | 6 | There is one and only one reason. FUN. BTW read th... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Alan Person Ankit Patel | https://www.quora.com/profile/Alan-Person | works at Retirement | 1.9k | 5 | Entertainment. Drugs and alcohol have long been us... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Philip Rabe | https://www.quora.com/profile/Philip-Rabe | former Construction Coordinator (1988-2013) | 110 | 5 | …Or drinking coffee, or taking tobacco, or havin... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Chris Nix | https://www.quora.com/profile/Chris-Nix | studied at TCC | 8.1k | 16 | It has a natural calming effect. It brings a subtl... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Peter Banh | https://www.quora.com/profile/Peter-Banh | Self-Employed as an In-Home Math Tutor | 19 | 2 | People smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis/drugs bec... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Faith Lynn | https://www.quora.com/profile/Faith-Lynn-38 | Been doing Cannabis since 2018. | 150 | 2 | Cause it's awesome, bro . It is awesome to smoke ... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Kelsey Lander | https://www.quora.com/profile/Kelsey-Lander | 207 | 2 | There really isn’t any evidence that suggests ca... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... | |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Jim Kenyon | https://www.quora.com/profile/Jim-Kenyon | I live in Ann Arbor | 6.1k | 6 | Three general "use cases" which (may) have some ov... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Kiran Rahul | https://www.quora.com/profile/Kiran-Rahul | Former Infantry Soldier | 6.2k | 27 | Ever had that feeling of uncontrollable laughter, ... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Jim Minion Dean Galberry | https://www.quora.com/profile/Jim-Minion | 30 years sales, vaping, atheist, Minion Method BB... | 177 | 2 | For the same reasons people drink alcohol, but in ... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Nancy-Anne Rose Morok Hawk | https://www.quora.com/profile/Nancy-Anne-Rose | Contributing Writer for LIFT Cannabis | 1.5k | I enjoy the different sensations I experience from... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... | |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Stephanie Kaye Turner | https://www.quora.com/profile/Stephanie-Kaye-Turne... | Teacher, Translator | 8.8k | 6 | One medical use is for people undergoing chemother... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Cam Takon | https://www.quora.com/profile/Cam-Takon | Studied psychology | 152 | Many times peer pressure coupled with a desire for... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... | |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Byakuya Kuchiki | https://www.quora.com/profile/Byakuya-Kuchiki-35 | Truck Driver (2009-present) | 29 | 3 | Because everyone needs an escape in some way or an... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Jack Lurhstaap Romero Anthony Kiejzo | https://www.quora.com/profile/Jack-Lurhstaap-Romer... | I smoke, grow, and breed connoisseur grade mariju... | 390 | See my answer here: Why do people smoke weed? Wha... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... | |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Jasim Bader | https://www.quora.com/profile/Jasim-Bader | Curious | 774 | For me, and for most people I know, it was just cu... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... | |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | David Hosmun | https://www.quora.com/profile/David-Hosmun-1 | former Technician at Honda | 37 | 3 | They either enjoy it, or they could be using it in... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
Why do people smoke pot/weed/marijuana/cannabis? | Skip Moreland | https://www.quora.com/profile/Skip-Moreland | former Health Care Worker at Nursing Homes (1984-... | 20 | 2 | Why do people drink? My wife uses chocolate to fe... | https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-smoke-pot-weed... |
What is it like to be high on marijuana or other s... | Mark de Haan | https://www.quora.com/profile/Mark-de-Haan-5 | Born and Raised in New Hampshire | 77.2k | 186 | It's great. I smoked pretty frequently from the ag... | https://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-be-high-o... |
What is it like to be high on marijuana or other s... | Andrew Stein | https://www.quora.com/profile/Andrew-Stein-1 | skeptic by day, skeptic by night. | 652.2k | 483 | In my observations, weed effects people differentl... | https://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-be-high-o... |
What is it like to be high on marijuana or other s... | Ex grass lover | 38k | 75 | Experience of grass differs from person to person.... | https://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-be-high-o... |
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