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Five Major Impacts of Location Data on Marketing

It’s not merely a coincidence that today almost all of the major business enterprises run online store locator services to their customers. They want their stores and services to be easily found and accessed. Moreover, they are extensively using location data to pursue their customers where they are and to persuade them to buy their products and services.

The where factor has begun driving much of today’s business deals and decisions, and it has facilitated online shoppings and deliveries, which cover a significant portion of today’s business transactions. The availability and access to location data has created a distinct area of expertise known as location analytics or location intelligence within business intelligence.

The implementation of location data optimization technologies in the business management systems has massively revolutionized the marketing policies and practices. Although the impacts location data and location-based business intelligence have been wide-ranging and enormous, here is a brief discussion 5 of their major impacts on marketing:


A collection of articles, announcements and updates from Grepsr


Boosting Business Intelligence with Managed Data Extraction

Did you know that Lotte, a South Korean conglomerate increased their sales up to $10 million thanks to Business Intelligence? Business Intelligence is the process of collecting, analyzing, and presenting raw data that is transformed into meaningful insights. It involves methodologies that ultimately aid the business in making strategic and actionable data-driven decisions. For a […]

covid test centers

Insights into Covid-19 Test Locations in the USA

An analysis of coronavirus testing facilities — geographic distribution, types, franchises, and testing and turnaround times

Data Extraction for BI: Picking the Right Services is Crucial

Finding the appropriate data warehousing and Business Intelligence (BI) platforms that can understand and address your business concerns, priorities, and needs is a daunting task. Specifically, the ones that can have cohesive approaches in generating and deploying your data

Data Mining for Developing Business Intelligence

The growing use of digital technologies in every sphere of life has resulted in the rapid escalation of digital data. While digitization of the facilities of everyday use has given rise to datafication, the process of datafication has produced a byproduct known as big data, which is regarded as a new oil of the digital […]

Maximizing the Benefits of Location Information Data: A Case Study

A good amount of location information with geospatial details is vital for developing and carrying out business plans Advantages of Location Information Data Obtaining and integrating location information data into the day-to-day business operation policies and practices are the vital tasks in business and marketing. A good amount of data with geospatial details helps businesses […]

Data Analytics for Better Business Intelligence

Advanced information technology has brought a massive paradigm shift in every aspect of human life We spend more and more of our working hours on the digital screens, either generating or aggregating digital data. Internet, what would have seemed something unimaginable only a few decades ago, has become an essential part of our daily businesses. […]

Location Analytics: ‘Where’ is the Knowledge of Data

Digital Technology and Rediscovery of Geography A substantial amount of data that Grepsr processes and provides to its business partners worldwide contains location-specific information. According to IDC, an American data research firm, 80% of data collected by organizations has location element, and according to ABI Research, location analytics market will rise up to $9 billion by […]

Data Mining: How Can Businesses Capitalize on Big Data?

In the recent years, data mining has become a prickly issue. The big controversies and clamors it has gathered in the political and business arenas suggest its importance in our time. No wonder, it is used as a household name in the business world. Data mining, in fact, is an inevitable consequence of all the technological innovations […]
